
INTRO: Media spin about the USS Vincennes shoot-down of Iran Air 655 on July 3 1988

Tracking US media's spin and misrepresentation of of the history of an American military atrocity over the decades To this day, more than 30 years after the incident, the US media are still misrepresenting the circumstances of the US military shoot-down of an Iranian civilian airliner in the Persian Gulf... With the accidental downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 in Tehran on January 7 2020, the US media has been comparing the incident with the events of July 3, 1988 when a US navy cruiser, the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian Airbus, Iran Air Flight 655, going from Bandar Abbas, Iran, to Dubai. It is therefore all the more important to keep the facts straight.  More importantly, this should be viewed as an example of how the US media toes the official government line and actually helps people to "forget" inconvenient historical facts. The point is, if the media still refuse to get this straight, what else are they not being truthful on. And I thin...